Sunday, February 19, 2012

Series: Society and Culture

Reference Artist: Yosuke Ueno, Junko Mizuno

Art Movement: Pop Surrealism / Lowbrow Art.


I've chosen this series because it's an everyday lifestyle that we seemed to always never take notice. We always perceived our society as normal and decent but in another light, we never seemed to put ourselves in other's shoes to actually see the wrongs that we see in ourselves. This is not focused to any audience because each and every what they see, they will perceive it differently.

Problem Statement

The problems I'm going to focus is on the irony of our culture. The things we never thought is crucial but in fact it is especially the growth of a child in the society.

Purpose of Content

Is to create an awareness on small matters that surrounds us.

Research content

-who is the enemy behind the covers?
- what did we never see?

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