Tuesday, April 3, 2012

WIP: Monster comes out in Badtime.

It starts by redrawing the whole lineart using Line + Wrap ( Edit > Transform > Warp )

After completing the last composition of the subjects, select all the layers , right click > merge all layers.

Note: Before starting any colouring, use a new layer to avoid errors.

In this section here, to have the colours stay within in an area, use the magic wand tool and select an area. If wish to go into details, after selecting an area, press Q (this will enable mask) and allows the option to use brush and eraser. Once satisfied, press Q again to go into selection mode.

-use option paint bucket and click on the selected area to fill it with the desired colour.

-Use shape tools to create circles and compose accordingly.

shading on the lips are done with three different layers, three different shades of red.
The tools used is only eraser tool (opacity >20 flow >20) and "paint" to create shading and lighting

Using the same style to create the shading on the face, and adding the colours to the other details. (flowers and more polkadots).

same style used for the bear's claws and using texture brush that was downloaded from the net to create the fire effect. 
The same brushes use to create the "huge stardust" / "glowing goo" on the second monster.
The first phase of completion. 

Now onwards with the background image!

However, i don't really like the original composition so I went off to seek proper pictures of a bedroom.

select the area that is needed, use the move tool (cursor) and drag it over to the workplace. and place it at the bottom of all the layers.

then, do multiple copies of the layers for experimenting and blending options.. 
In my case, I used the first top layer for the bedroom interior in filter (dry paint + sponge effect to create a very blurry and painting-ish effect)

Then using the texture brush again, i create the fog/smoke effect and use eraser (opacity + flow >20 and experiment with the blending option until it achieve the feeling i opt for.

end product. (lol. sorry or skipping for the background. I've merged and accidentally pressed Ctrl+S)

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